Talk at Round Table: Why We Love Companies With A Purpose
Blog, VideosLærke and Ole did a talk – in Danish – for the regional Round Table of southern Denmark at Innovationsfabrikken in Kolding titled ‘Why We Love Companies With A Purpose’.
Lærke and Ole did a talk – in Danish – for the regional Round Table of southern Denmark at Innovationsfabrikken in Kolding titled ‘Why We Love Companies With A Purpose’.
From Wired Magazine UK Ole Kassow knows that using words like “love” and “kindness” in the boardroom will probably get you kicked out. Nevertheless, he’s on a mission to persuade young startups and established businesses alike that they should persist; that it’s these two things that will make their companies a successful, exhilarating, happy place […]
We’re great fans of Southwest Airlines and we take every opportunity to tell great stories about this madly inspiring airline company. The Happy Startup School wrote a piece on Southwest yesterday and it adds new intriguing dimensions and examples of great culture to the company.
The focus on re-establishing more liveable cities continues unabated. The primary problem however is that 85 years of traffic engineering revolving around the car has failed miserably. It’s time for modern thinking. Design can help. Historically, streets were human spaces. Let’s design our cities like we design toasters or smartphones, following the desire lines of […]
Compliments may not pay the rent, but according to new research, they help improve performance in a similar way to receiving a cash reward. Read the full article in Forbes.