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Random acts of kindness should be incorporated in startups. It’s good for business!

From Wired Magazine UK Ole Kassow knows that using words like “love” and “kindness” in the boardroom will probably get you kicked out. Nevertheless, he’s on a mission to persuade young startups and established businesses alike that they should persist; that it’s these two things that will make their companies a successful, exhilarating, happy place […]

Time: How the ‘Maker’ Movement Plans to Transform the U.S. Economy

Chris Anderson was trying to fire up his kids about science and technology when he flew the family’s radio-controlled airplane into a tree on Hopkins St. near their Berkeley, Calif. home. After a lot of rock-throwing and branch-flinging, Anderson finally retrieved the wreckage. “My kids were mortified,” Anderson told me last week. “I had to bribe them with ice-cream.” Read the […]